Technology's Impact on Language
Technology’s Impact on Language
By: Javier Dominguez-Trejo
Throughout history, technology has played an important role in shaping the way we communicate and express ourselves. From the very first invention to the rise of the internet and social media, technological advancements have changed language in ways that were unimaginable just a few decades ago. The impact of technology on language is often overlooked, yet it has transformed the way we communicate, learn, and interact with one another.
Technology Impact on Language
Technology has had a significant impact on language. It has made communication faster and more efficient, leading to the development of new forms of language like emojis and acronyms. However, some argue that technology has negatively affected language skills, as people rely on spell-checkers and auto correct. Additionally, according to the website English Live the use of social media and texting has led to a more informal style of writing with abbreviations and slang. It is important to be aware of both the benefits and drawbacks of technology and to use it responsibly.
Speech therapist Sandeep Sunny was asked can you provide examples of specific apps or programs that have been effective in supporting language skills? Sunny answered, “Technological advancements have paved the way for specialized speech and language learning Apps, especially for children with Speech and Language Impairment. Examples of Apps include ABCYa, Cough-Drop, Proloquo2Go, Little Stories, Articulation Station, etc.” Sunny was asked the follow up question of How does technology impact language development in children? Sunny answered, “Too much screen time can delay speech and language development. Studies have shown that higher screen use results in poorer language skills in toddlers. This can result in later learning challenges.” As a final question, The Bruin’s Eye, asked Sunny In your experience, what have been the most successful strategies for using technology to support language development? Sunny answered “In my experience, technology has made a huge impact in the successful development of use of several Alternative Augmentative Devices (AAC). Children and Adults with severe speech and language impairments (SLI) require other modalities to communicate apart/along with talking, and that is where AAC devices come into play.”
Sandeep Sunny, a speech therapist, discusses the effectiveness of specific apps and programs in supporting language skills, such as ABCYa, Cough-Drop, Proloquo2Go, Little Stories, and Articulation Station. Sunny also highlights the negative impact of excessive screen time on language development in children, which can lead to learning challenges. Sunny emphasizes the importance of using technology in moderation. Additionally, he shares his experience with Alternative Augmentative Devices (AAC) and how they have greatly contributed to the successful development of communication skills in individuals with severe speech and language impairments.
Technology Impact on Writing
Technology has had a significant impact on writing. Technology has made writing more efficient and easier with programs such as Grammarly to correct your writing at every step so one can write more comfortably. Technology has also influenced writing styles since there is more informal language in writings. As well as having a lot of abbreviations in one writing.
English Teacher Mr. Pantoja was asked by The Bruin’s Eye, how has technology influenced the writing process, from brainstorming to final editing? Pantoja answers, “For some people technology has made the writing process easier and for others I feel it has made it more difficult. Some people take advantage of technology and how it makes certain parts of life easier, while others are not good with technology and find it difficult to use and therefore makes their writing process even more troublesome.” We ask Pantoja the follow up question of How has technology influenced the feedback and revision process for student Writing? Pantoja answers, “With websites/apps like Paper and Khan Academy as well as others, students can get feedback from multiple sources before the teachers have to look at it and give the final feedback. With some of these programs you have a live tutor that can guide the student through all of the intricacies of writing an essay.” Pantoja was asked, can you discuss any concerns or considerations regarding plagiarism and the use of online sources in student writing? Pantoja answers, “A concern I have about the future of student writing lies in AI. Technology is becoming so advanced that it is now possible to tell a computer a few basic guiding ideas and it can create an essay for you in seconds. So, if a computer creates the essay for the student, does that count as plagiarism due to it having been written with ideas generated by the computer?” As the final question Pantoja was asked, how has the rise of social media and texting affected students' writing skills and the use of formal language? Pantoja answers, “social media and texting have lowered the quality of student writing and thinking. Since most social media apps do not offer a spelling or grammar check, people make basic grammar and spelling mistakes. Seeing others making the same grammatical and spelling errors normalizes their incorrect use and it later affects their academic writing.”
Mr. Pantoja discusses the influence of technology on the writing process, feedback and revision process, concerns about plagiarism and online sources, and the impact of social media and texting or students' writing skills and the use of formal language. He mentions that technology can make the writing process easier for some but more difficult for others. Technology also allows students to receive feedback from multiple sources and offers live tutors to guide them. Concerns arise regarding Al-generated essays and whether they should be considered plagiarism. Additionally, social media and texting have lowered the quality of student writing and thinking due to the lack of spelling and grammar checks, leading to
normalization of incorrect language usage
Technology Impact on Communicating
Technology has had its impact on the way people speak in their everyday lives. As technology progresses it has made speaking and communicating much easier. According to the website Technology Education Technology such as cell phones computers, and social media have made communications easier. It has negatively affected speaking in a way as well. The website National Library of Medicine explains that as people get used to communicating through text people spend more time communicating through a screen rather than having a face-to-face conversation.
The Bruin’s Eye interviewed AP English student Carlos Rocha. He was asked if he believes the rise of new technology like social media has affected the way one can communicate and use language. Rocha answers “With the rise of social media, our generations have built a custom of slang, with social media trends at fault for causing the use of less formal language.” He was asked a follow-up question of how technology has affected his use of slang and informal language. Rocha replied, “Through trends and brain rot material this influenced my use of slang and informal language.” He was asked a final question about how technology has changed the way he expresses himself. Rocha answers “The use of emojis has drastically caused many to revolve their emotions towards text causing anxiety and fault of empathy and sympathy towards others.
Carlos Rocha believes that the rise of social media has led to the use of slang and lessformal language among his generation. Rocha mentions that trends and exposure to certain
content on social media have influenced his use of slang and informal language. Additionally, he discusses how the use of emojis has affected the way people express themselves, causing a lack of empathy and sympathy towards others. Overall, Rocha's responses highlight the impact of technology, specifically social media, on language and communication.