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Pawsitive Healing

Pawsitive Healing: Power of Pet Therapy

by Gerry Cenobio

The importance of a pet at home and in any work-related area is essential to make the human brain act in a more positive way. Not only are pets great for company but they can change one's whole life in a helpful way and are also great for when one is having a bad day. Pets always play a crucial role in making us the great humans we are today by adding care, happiness, and support to our lives.

Pets Reduce our stress and Ease our Loneliness

Not only are they great for the company, but the amount of stress they reduce with their presence is substantial. The American Heart Association (AHA) verifies from research of 2021, that pets can reduce work-related stress. Also, the American Heart Association adds that 40% of employees surveyed felt like work gets in the way of their health. Not just that but they also identified that 2 out of 3 employees say work stresses them out. Getting a pet might make it easier for these employees to get through their workday. Pet ownership produces a better overall mood for the average worker before and after going to work.

Animal domestic companions such as dogs are known to ease loneliness with their ability to mirror the emotions of their owners. According to the public service Mental Health website, “And like any good human friend, a loyal dog will look into your eyes to gauge your emotional state and try to understand what you’re thinking and feeling.” What the article is trying to convey is that animals will engage with you and your emotions to help you in a low point. Further research made by a reputable source RSPCA insinuates “Some researchers now believe that the same behavior can happen between a dog and their owner, with the dog effectively 'smiling' when the owner grins, for example.” Further exemplifying the ideology of pets mimicking their owners' facial expressions and tone.

Lizeth Ramirez is a Psychology teacher here at Greenfield High School and is in her first year of teaching psychology as a subject. Ramirez teaches 10-12 graders how to study and understand mental processes, brain functions, and more. When The Bruins Eye asked Ramirez if she thought that animals heavily helped a human’s state of mind she acknowledged “I do think that animals help a human’s state of mind. Having a pet can help ease people’s anxiety, it has also been proven to help boost an individual's self-confidence. Pets can be great listeners, offer unconditional love, and won't criticize.” In other words, the presence of a pet is itself therapeutic to the pet owner. Additionally, Ramirez has a pet dog named Charly. Ramirez tells our readers” I feel a lot of happiness and peace whenever I’m around my dog, seeing that sense of excitement and happiness from my dog whenever I get home truly amazing and brightens my day. Even on my most stressful days being able to go home to walk and play catch with my dog Charlie helps me unwind and be in a positive headspace. "Coming home and seeing a pet is just exciting; it can be one of the best things a person can experience, and this proves the power of healing through pets.

Loki Forever photo by Ms. FraseA Variety of Excellent Choices

Dogs are a choice of pets that are in almost 50% of all pet owners across America. Dogs originate from East Asia and are also well known as “a man's best friend.” Dogs hold a special place in most people's hearts as they grow up with you in your journey in life with most living almost a decade. The arguments over dogs and cats have always been big but the percentage of pet owners in America who actually own cats is nearly 30%, almost half of the number of dog owners so it is clear to see who the winner here is between which one is more popular. However, Cars still have the same positive effects helping us find peace. Another popular pet is the guinea pig, a small domestic rodent that requires plenty of care since they cannot survive in the wild on their own without human assistance. This pet is primarily for children, but according to the average life expectancy for a guinea pig is four to seven years. This is much shorter when compared to the average life span of dogs: seven to fourteen years, and indoor cats living ten to twenty years. Therefore, when the family's Guinea pig inevitably passes away the grief that the kids experience teaches them about death, making them emotionally stronger. Over a million different across the U.S. own Guinea pigs.

But we don’t have to choose only one type of pet. Maria Villagomez is an English Teacher here at Greenfield Highschool rescues animals. When our reporters asked if she thinks that animals substantially help us humans from an emotional standpoint, she responded “Absolutely! The bond we have with our pets can be one of the strongest in our lives. I have gotten through some of the hardest moments in my life because of my bond with my dog pack. Taking care of them is my highest priority. I come home and the stress of my day immediately melts away. They are essential to my mental health.” Villagomez started her animal rescue journey back when she found her dog Lexi under a portable here at the school. She recalls that finding Lexi inspired her to join an animal rescue group about 7 years ago and started her own group about 5 months ago. Villagomez also noted “It is important for people in our community to know that there is help in Greenfield. There are resources to help pets live a better life. Reach out to Our Neighborhood Pet Project to learn more.” This demonstrates how much a pet can help you and teach you in life.

Of course, our teachers aren't the only proud pet owners on campus. Alexis Lomeli, a G.H.S Junior owns a female pug named Miaah. He has had her for 2 years. and when asked how he feels when he sees her, Lomeli uttered “She makes me feel happy after a long day or a bad day throwing away all my worry.” Lomeli’s experience with Miaah signifies the importance of her being in his life as she helps him through a rough day. Lomeli also mentioned how important Miaah is when she was gifted to him as a present when his previous dog died. The unnamed dog left Lomeli feeling like a part of his family was missing. Then Miaah came in and filled the gap that was left. This means a pet is so meaningful that they are considered part of the family.

It is our pets that motivate us to go the extra mile for others every day, making us the positive individuals we are today. We all need pets in our lives at some point, whether to change our lives, to teach us something new, or just to make our day more enjoyable after a rough one. It's their simple presence that makes life additionally more fascinating.